ZECO (Green ZEB Consulting)


Initial review of ZEB, with Reable ZECO

Explore the simplest and fastest way to assess the feasibility of ZEB alternative formulation to business viability.
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Reable ZECO

Reable ZECO can quickly check the solar capacity, energy independence rate, and certification incentives required for ZEB certification with only the building summary level input. Proactively establish a ZEB strategy with Reable ZECO and review your business potential.
Project Management

Manage project alternatives efficiently

You can set up multiple alternatives within a project, store analysis results, and manage them efficiently
ZEB Analysis

Create an easy and fast ZEB strategy

Quickly check energy requirements, solar capacity and certification incentives with just the architectural overview level input

Domestic and international eco-certification and licensing consulting

We provide consulting services with the best consulting services with the best EAN technology in Korea.
EAN 테크놀로지 브로슈어 2023.pdf

  Want to learn more?

Please contact our customer service channel below.
Reable KakaoTalk Channel