ZECO (Green ZEB Consulting)


Green Remodeling

Reable provides a green remodeling business feasibility review service for all domestic buildings by converging the self-developed building data map (Sunny) with an automatic energy diagnosis algorithm.
With minimal information input, you can check the energy performance of the building or check the possible solar power capacity. Also, when performing green remodeling projects, you can review improvement plans and expected construction costs in advance.

Checking Green Remodeling Priorities

With minimal input, we diagnose the energy performance of a target building with our self-developed energy diagnosis algorithm.
Based on energy diagnosis results and building’s big data, you can identify the energy performance position of the building within the similar building group and review the priority of green modeling.

Sunlight Environment Analysis Based on 3D City Model (Sunny)

Reable created a nationwide 3D city model using GIS and building-related public data. Based on the produced map, the sunlight environment for buildings of a certain size or larger was analyzed, and the PV and BIPV capacities that could be installed were calculated and made into a database.
Therefore, with simple address input, you can immediately check the sunlight environment and the solar power capacity that can be installed for the target building.
Go to check PV

Green Remodeling Feasibility Review

We provide the optimal green modeling improvement plan based on energy performance diagnosis and solar environment analysis.
You can quickly evaluate the feasibility of green remodeling projects and estimate the expected construction costs by considering improvements in insulation performance and equipment efficiency, and installation of renewable energy.
Go to compare my building

  Want to learn more?

Please contact our customer service channel below.
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