ZECO (Green ZEB Consulting)

Net Zero Tracker (ESG)_eng

Carbon Neutral Partner, Net Zero Tracker

Experience real-time greenhouse gas emissions monitoring and management for real estate with Net Zero Tracker.
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Net Zero Tracker

Simply manage everything from tracking asset-level energy usage and green house gas emission to setting goals for achieving net-zero* and obtaining global ESG certification with Reable.
* Net-zero : refers to a state where net emission of green house gas is zero

Real-time Green House Gas Data Monitoring

Manage your risky assets by checking your greenhouse gas emission and greenhouse gas emission ranking calculated based on high-quality data.

Global ESG Report Support

We provide detailed analysis reports by buildings and support simplification of global ESG reporting such as CDP or GRESB.

Short, Medium, and Long term goal management and evaluation

After setting greenhouse gas reduction targets and goals for energy, water, and waste savings based on SBTi criteria, continuous evaluation is possible through key performance indicators (KPIs).
Carbon finance

Carbon Finance Based Risk Management

We provide carbon finance by monetizing the risks related to national regulations such as the total greenhouse gas emissions reduction system, target management system, and emissions trading system for buildings.

  Want to learn more?

Download the brochure below or contact our customer service channel.
Reable ESG brochure
reable ESG brochure.pdf