ZECO (Green ZEB Consulting)


AI+EMS (Energy Management Service)

Energy Management Service for Building Reable AI+EMS enables the digitalization of buildings and energy for ‘green remodeling’ of existing buildings and ZEB certification of new buildings.


Reable AI+EMS provides customers with the desired energy management system tailored to various uses such as commercial buildings, apartment complexes, factories, hotels, hospitals, and more.
Building(BEMS) : Sustainable comprehensive management system for energy and carbon management and facility management of business facilities and commercial buildings (such as retail stores) - Provides monitoring and interaction dashboard
- Provides services and solutions tailored to the operational pattern of each building and the thermal environment characteristics of actual users.
Factory(FEMS) : Establishment of systems for energy management and carbon emission trading in manufacturing and logistics factories , etc.
- Energy consumption control per manufacturing process line with energy management in mind - Designed with plant users’ schedules and cooling/ heating comfort in mind - Calculation of quantitative indicators for ESG management and carbon emission trading
Home(HEMS) : Customized energy management and waste tracking systems for each demand, such as houses and apartments. - Effortless energy saving using mobile for device control
- Provides customized solutions such as occupancy schedule management.
Customized EMS : Establishment of customized energy / carbon management system for each building such as hotel, hospital, etc.
- Central heat source management system BAS (Building Automation System) Interlocking and integration of heating and cooling comfort for each room, providing a comprehensive management system

AI+EMS Solution

We provide a “pleasant green building ” through energy management throughout the entire life cycle of the building .
We provide optimal energy management services tailored to the characteristics of buildings such as commercial, neighbourhood living facility, residential, and factories.
AI Based Solution Provide cloud-based energy consumption analysis
AI data analysis and A/S free of charge for 3 years
Air, Light, water quality data management
Indoor Air Quality Management Provide solutions to ensure a comfortable air environment for occupants by comprehensively measuring temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, chemicals (TVOCs), and ultrafine particles.
Water Quality Management Real-time data collection is possible by installing turbidity meters in water supply facilities, sinks, etc. EMS provides notification and information on water quality management of buildings.
Light Environment Management We build a human-centered lighting system that automatically adjusts the brightness and color temperature of lights based on the solar cycle, and provide automation solutions by setting up various modes with AI Builder.
Integration with desired smart IoT devices Establishment of infrastructure that can be linked to various domestic and foreign IoT products

AI+EMS Product

Instead of a complex monitoring screen, users are notified about state of the building with intuitive message or notification.
We provide AI-based data analysis with direct solution.
Reable AI+EMS: Intuitive EMS at the palm of your hand
Mobile type EMS Our mobile-friendly BEMS is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to everyone.
Board type EMS Our board type monitor screen that building managers of medium to large-sized buildings can easily view.

  Want to learn more?

Download the brochure below or contact our customer service channel.
Reable AI+EMS brochure